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Warmoestraat 143, 1012JB Amsterdam

Opening hours

MO 09.00 - 22.00
TU 09.00 - 22.00
WE 09.00 - 22.00
TH 09.00 - 22.00
FR 09.00 - 22.00
SA 09.00 - 22.00
SU 12.00 - 22.00

Cannabis candy

Greendayz has the most relaxing and unique coffees, teas, hot chocolates, etc.

Cannabis Cookies

The carefully hand picked hemp buds for this crunchy delight are of the finest quality and come from EU certified hemp plants, cultivated in Europe.

Cannabis Biscuits are legal in all European countries.

Cannabis Choco Biscuits

Chocolate Cannabis Biscuit, a crunchy cookie that makes a mouth-watering and healthy snack any time for of the day. Our hand-made Cannabis Biscuits are extremely high in flavor and should probably be kept in a secret place.

Cannabis Biscuits are legal in all European countries.

Cannabis Coconut Cookies

Delicious and fresh Coconut-Cannabis Cookies. Traditionally made with Coconut and hulled Hemp seeds. A nice variety on the Original Hemp Biscuit. Handmade Hemp Macaroons!

Cannabis Lollipops

Cannabis chocolate

HEMP has exactly the right thing for spoiled individuals of good taste, having a sweet tooth: the seductive HEMP Cnusper Chocolate. The whole milk chocolate with hemp, cornflake and coffee taste reveals a new taste experience.

There is a special element of enjoyment due to hulled, roasted, hemp seed. And HEMP Cnusper Chocolate can even make one happy, due to the serotonin contained. This is a particular neurotransmitter that can disperse dull thoughts and provide a good mood.

Cannabis Pastilles

Soothing sugar free Cannabis throat lozenges. With Cannabis essential oil and vitamin C.

Other Cannabis Candy

Copyright © 2013 Greendayz Amsterdam | Ontwerp TXTmatch